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The Ninefold Path Event m. Mark Scandrette

Kom og oplev Mark Scandrette, når han vil give os indsigt i en ældgammel visdom.

Mark skriver selv ->

Sign of haunting are all around us. The gap widens
between the poor and the rich. Conflict rages between
groups and nations. Due to our actions, even the future
of the planet is threatened. If we aren't disturbed then we
haven't been paying attention.

What if the Beatitudes contain the keys to our liberation
— a nine statement manifesto of a new way of thinking
and being that can change our lives and our world?

During this interactive evening workshop we will explore the revolutionary invitation of the Beatitudes!

Musik af Mikael Andreasen

Tidligere begivenhed: 10. november
Senere begivenhed: 17. november